Can a Content Fix Make Your Law Firm Recession-Proof?

Lawyers who believe their profession is recession-proof have short memories. Although 2019 seems more than a decade away from 2009, the warning signs of a looming downturn are beginning to flicker. More lawyers are aking if content can make their law firm recession-proof. The job losses that rocked the legal profession 10 years ago were, according to Above the Law, “brutal.” The blood-letting left about 6,000 attorneys looking for work. Big law bore the brunt but small law took a hit too. ...
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Quick and Easy SEO Tips – A Beginner’s Guide

We have been living in the new digital landscape of SEO for more than a decade but many small business owners remain clueless about the world of Search Engine Optimization. It can be challenging to know where to start and where to turn for quick and easy SEO tips. Faced with this bewildering new normal, it's hardly surprising that many smaller enterprises avoid tackling their SEO problems or outsource them. Many businesses are fighting every day to grow or even to make ends meet. They may hav...
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Blog Length is Key to Search Engine Recognition

I am often asked by small businesses or attorneys about blog length, and how long the optimum blog post should be. This is an important question because many business owners believe that their pages and blog posts will rank well if they look attractive. In reality, if a blog post is too short, it won't rank well. Fashion may be obsessed with skinny models, but Google doesn't have much time for skinny blog posts. That's because the search engines assume under weight posts are starved of su...
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Ten Top Tips for An Effective Law Firm Blog

Lawyers tend to be fastidious people. They would not be successful in what they do without a keen attention to detail. Appearance is also important to attorneys. When you show up in court, you want to look your best. How can a judge or jury respect your expert opinion, if you don't respect your own wardrobe? In saying that many law firms fail to take the same approach to their websites. I still find websites out there that are the equivalent of 1974 in fashion sense. They are wearing facial hai...
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How the Google algorithm change “Penguin” could affect your law firm

By David Macaulay It’s affectionately known as “Penguin” but Google’s new algorithm change has left some businesses wondering if they are going to be left in unfamiliar waters. As a legal writer, blogger and marketer, the recent tweak has led me to ask some fundamental questions about whether the SEO techniques I have picked up over 18 intensive months no longer hold good or at least need to be amended. There are no easy answers from the outset. Google doesn’t ...
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How the Google algorithm change “Penguin” could affect your law firm

By David Macaulay It’s affectionately known as “Penguin” but Google’s new algorithm change has left some businesses wondering if they are going to be left in unfamiliar waters. As a legal writer, blogger and marketer, the recent tweak has led me to ask some fundamental questions about whether the SEO techniques I have picked up over 18 intensive months no longer hold good or at least need to be amended. There are no easy answers from the outset. Google doesn’t ...
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