Google’s Hummingbird Algorithm Change and Its Implications for Blogging

Over the last two years those folks at Google have been keeping bloggers busy with algorithm changes that effectively tear up the rulebook. I should qualify that by saying there was no 'rule book' as such. Google tends to be cryptic with the information it releases. The rule, as they were accepted, were those developed by webmasters and writers themselves. Bloggers had a good idea of how manipulate searches a few years ago which went along the lines of - stuff copy with key words, link like ...
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How the Google algorithm change “Penguin” could affect your law firm

By David Macaulay It’s affectionately known as “Penguin” but Google’s new algorithm change has left some businesses wondering if they are going to be left in unfamiliar waters. As a legal writer, blogger and marketer, the recent tweak has led me to ask some fundamental questions about whether the SEO techniques I have picked up over 18 intensive months no longer hold good or at least need to be amended. There are no easy answers from the outset. Google doesn’t ...
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How the Google algorithm change “Penguin” could affect your law firm

By David Macaulay It’s affectionately known as “Penguin” but Google’s new algorithm change has left some businesses wondering if they are going to be left in unfamiliar waters. As a legal writer, blogger and marketer, the recent tweak has led me to ask some fundamental questions about whether the SEO techniques I have picked up over 18 intensive months no longer hold good or at least need to be amended. There are no easy answers from the outset. Google doesn’t ...
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